V pondelok 23.októbra 2017 sme na 2 stupni našej školy privítali Paula Heighwaya v doprovode PaedDr.Mgr.Márie Véghovej, regionálnej zástupkyne EnglishOne pre Žilinský a Trenčiansky kraj.
Paul, ktorý pôsobí na Slovensku ako lektor anglického jazyka už niekoĺko rokov, pochádza zo Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie, konkrétne z Walesu. S trinástimi deviatakmi strávil dve vyučovacie hodiny, ďalšiu hodinu so 16 ôsmakmi a siedmakmi. Boli to vybraní žiaci, ktorí počas septembra a októbra plnili online úlohy na portáli anglictina.iedu.sk. Toto stretnutie im bolo akousi milou odmenou za domáce úlohy navyše. Žiaci ho zasypávali otázkami rôzneho typu. Dozvedeli sa množstvo informácií o jeho domovine, o ňom a jeho záľubách, o jeho peknom vzťahu ku Slovensku, či vyhľadávači Ecosia.
Celým stretnutím sa niesla dobrá nálada, humor, spev. Na záver pani učiteľka Hlúbiková pozvala oboch hostí na ďalšiu návštevu k nám do školy. Odpovedali s tým, že nás radi opätovne navštívia v decembri, kedy sa porozprávame na tému Vianoce.
Ako sa žiakom stretnutie páčilo, si môžete prečítať v nasledovnom príspevku.
Visit of the native speaker at the Catholic Comprehensive School with Nursery named after Anton Bernolák in Martin
I liked Paul´s English lesson yesterday. He likes reading books, I like reading books too.
He also likes walking to the mountains, he walked many times to Martinské hole.
Paul doesn´t drink alcohol and he isn´t stupid. He doesn´t like watching TV. He doesn´t use any social media. Paul was a very good speaker and a prankster person.
I am very happy for him. I wish he will come again to our school.
Zuzana Babíková class 9A
I am very lucky for his visit. It was very interesting. I love his speaking about his home country Wales. He was very funny and crazy and I was smiling the whole time.
He likes walking, reading and watching good films. He doesn ´t watch the television and he doesn ´t like Google. He uses the website Ecosia. He told us why he has come to Slovakia.
We spent a good time with him. I liked his coming to our school.
Barbora Kopčíková, class 9B
Yesterday we had our English lesson with a native speaker! We were sitting when Paul came into the classroom. There were 9 students from class 8B and about 8 students from class 7. It was a very nice lesson because we learned some new words and we got new information about Wales and Paul´s life. We were very happy when we could speak with him . He answered a lot of questions too. It was a good chance to learn better the English language. The lesson wasn´t long enough. But it was a good experience for us.
We hope that he will come again another time.
Juraj Frkáň , Samuel Pekelský from class 8B
Yesterday we had a lesson with a native speaker. His name is Paul Heighway and he comes from Wales. His favourite sport is chess and he loves reading. He had 13 pets but now he has got 12 pets. He was born in Brecon Beacons. He has one daughter. her name is Zoe Elisabeth He lived in 5 places in Slovakia. Now he lives in Žilina in a flat. He speaks a little Slovak. His favourite food is cheese on toast. It is the Welsh national food. He doesn´t like snow. His favourite season is spring. He never played ice hockey. He likes Swansea city. He likes the Slovak traditional food called halušky s bryndzou. He is an English teacher.He teaches private lessons too. He is a lecturer in the project EnglishOne.
Ján Mužila, Braňo Mačičák from class 8B
We had a visit at our school yesterday. His name is Paul Heighway. He doesn´t have a car and a driving licence. He has one daughter. He was born in Wales. He came to Slovakia because his daughter goes to school here. He likes Slovak people and Slovak girls. He likes chess. He plays the guitar and teaches his daughter. He ate the Slovak food halušky s bryndzou - dumplings with sheep cheese. He liked the food. He speaks English, Welsh, Spanish and little Slovak. His daughter goes to Alexandra Dubčeka Elementary school in Martin. He was at Martinské hole mountains. In Britain it snows, but in Wales not.
Leonora Yahyaouiová, Veronika Vadinová, class 8B
Dear Paul Heighway,
thank you for your signature and the lesson with you. This lesson was the best lesson.
I am very happy of the lesson .
Did you read Winnetou ? I did. Can you come to our school again please?
We played ice hockey in Žilina last weekend. Are you on Facebook? I am. My name is Matúš Vnučák. I am on Instagram too.
Bye-bye. Your student Matúš Vnučák from class 7A.
Dear Paul,
we are very happy that you visited our school ! We all hope that you will come back again. Your interview was so interesting. We learnt some interesting things or facts about Wales and about England and about you.
It was great fun when you spelled the longest place name in Europe. Or the Slovak word čučoriedka. It was nice and great fun too, when you were speaking about Snowdonia and about snow in Wales or the football match you have watched. We really like your dog´s name. We will be happy if you try to spell this word: NAJVYRUKAVIČKOVANEJŠÍ.
Thanks a lot.
Tobiáš Kozman, Matúš Lepieš, Veronika Olasová, all class 8B
Dear Sir,
your visit at our school was a great experience. We were able to use our English and we have learned a lot of new things. We were speaking about lots of things that I am interested in. For example what was the most interestig thing for me that you are counting your age by days. Your sense of humour is really nice .We were surprised how many things you said about Slovakia. Your love for animals is amazing.
We are thanful for your visit and we are looking forward to see you again.
Dominika Eliášová /class 9A / and Karolína Hájková /class 9B/
Dear Mary and dear Paul,
thanks for everything. It was really a good day with you. I hope you will come again.
Dominika Fedorová class 9A
Dear Mary,
I think the visit of a native speaker was meaningful. We could learn a lot of news about Wales. I like Paul and his cheerfulness.We sang a song which was animated by Paul. Everybody became involved in this meeting. We could learn a lot of new words, listen to a nice English pronunciation and maybe improve our English knowledge.
Samuel Onderčo from class 9A
Dear Mr Paul Heighway,
you were speaking about your stay in Slovakia. You told us why you have come to our country. It was very interesting and also funny.
We all think it was a nice meeting. We got to know new facts about Wales. We were surprised you are a very optimistic person. Thank you very much. Thanks also for information about Ecosia website. We didn´t know about it .
Best wishes
Laura Ťaptíková, Terézia Matejíčková, Júlia Petrovičová 9B class
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your visit. I think we had a very good time together. You are friendly and nice. Thanks for your speaking about the countryside in Wales, your life and your daughter Zoe Elisabeth.
We are very happy of you. We like your humour and philosophy. It was very informative. We were also surprised of some information you have mentioned.
We thank you for answering our questions. We liked your coming to our school.
We wish you all the best.
With love Bianka Radačovská and Mária Rovňáková class 9A and 9B